Coscieme L, da Silva Hyldmo H, Fernández-Llamazares A, Palomo I, Heita Mwampamba T, Selomane O, Sitas N, Jaureguiberry P, Takahashi Y, Lim M, Barral MP, Farinaci JS, Diaz-José J, Ghosh S, Ojino J, Alassaf A, Baatuuwie BN, Balint L, Basher Z, Boeraeve F, Budiharta S, Chen R, Desrousseaux M, Dowo G, Febria C, Ghazi H, Harmackova ZV, Jaffé R, Kalemba MM, Lambini CK, Lasmana FPS, Mohamed AAA, Niamir A, Pliscoff P, Sabyrbekov R, Shrestha UB, Samakov A, Sidorovich AA, Thompson L, Valle M
Multiple conceptualizations of nature are key to inclusivity and legitimacy in global environmental governance.
Sitas N, Harmackova ZV, Anticamara JA, Arneth A, Badola R, Biggs R, Blanchard R, Brotons L, Cantele M, Coetzer K, DasGupta R, den Belder E, Ghosh S, Guisan A, Gundimeda H, Hamann M, Harrison PA, Hashimoto S, Hauck J, Klatt B, Kok K, Krug RM, Niamir A, O Farrell PJ, Okayasu S, Palomo I, Pereira LM, Riordan P, Santos Martin F, Selomane O, Shin Y, Valle M
Exploring the usefulness of scenario archetypes in science policy processes, experience across IPBES assessments.
Ometto JP, Gadda T, Toledo P, Pires APF, Amaral AG, Siqueira MF, Gondim L, Affe HMJ, Carnaval AC, Anjos L, Lapola DM, Valle M, Randow C, Tejada G, Domingues TF, Loyola RD
Capitulo 4 Interações entre Natureza e Sociedade, trajetórias do presente ao futuro. In 1 Diagnóstico Brasileiro de Biodiversidade e Serviços Ecossistêmicos.
Klatt B, García Márquez JR, Ometto JP, Valle M, Mastrangelo ME, Gadda T, Pengue WA, Ramírez Hernández W, Baptiste Espinosa MP, Wilson S, Acebey Quiroga SV, Blanco MV, Agard J, Guezala Villavicencio MC
Chapter 5 Current and future interactions between nature and society. In IPBES (2018) The IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for the Americas..
Soissons L, Haanstra EP, van Katwijk MM, Asmus R, Auby I, Barillé L, Brun FG, Cardoso PG, Desroy N, Fournier J, Ganthy F, Garmendia JM, Godet L, Grilo TF, Kadel P, Ondiviela B, Peralta G, Puente A, Recio M, Rigouin L, Valle M, Herman PMJ, Bouma TJ
Latitudinal Patterns in European Seagrass Carbon Reserves, Influence of Seasonal Fluctuations versus Short-Term Stress and Disturbance Events.
Soissons LM, van Katwijk MM, Peralta G, Brun FG, Cardoso PG, Grilo TF, Ondiviela B, Recio M, Valle M, Garmendia JM, Ganthy F, Auby I, Rigouin L, Godet L, Fournier J, Desroy N, Barille L, Kadel P, Asmus R, Herman PM, Bouma TJ
Seasonal and latitudinal variation in seagrass mechanical traits across Europe, The influence of local nutrient status and morphometric plasticity.
van Tussenbroek B, Soissons L, van Katwijk MM, van der Heide T, Brun F, Peralta G, Cardoso P, Grilo T, Ondiviela B, Valle M, Garmendia JM, Ganthy F, Godet L, Fournier J, Kadel P, Asmus R, Bouma T
Pollen limitation may be a common Allee effect in marine hydrophilous plants, implications for decline and recovery in seagrasses.
Reiss H, Birchenough S, Borja A, Buhl –Mortensen L, Craeymeersch J, Dannheim J, Darr A, Galparsoro I, Gogina M, Neumann H, Populus J, Rengstorf AM, Valle M, van Hoey G, Zettler ML, Degraer S
Benthos distribution modelling and its relevance for marine ecosystem management.
Chust G, Albaina A, Aranburu A, Borja Á, Diekmann OE, Estonba A, Franco J, Garmendia JM, Iriondo M, Muxika I, Rendo F, Rodríguez JG, Ruiz-Larrañaga O, Serrão EA, Valle M
Connectivity, neutral theories and the assessment of species vulnerability to global change in temperate estuaries.
Chust G, Borja A, Caballero A, Irigoien X, Saenz J, Moncho R, Marcos M, Liria P, Hidalgo J, Valle M, Valencia V
Climate change impacts on coastal and pelagic environments in the southeastern Bay of Biscay.
Gorostiaga JM, Irigoien X, Borja A, Fernandes JA, Chifflet M, Gonzalez M, Revilla M, Bald J, Valle M, Garmendia JM, Valencia V, Fontán A, Chust G
Biodiversidad, ecosistemas y recursos marinos.